Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Day 2 - Off to a beautiful start

 While it was chilly this morning, the sun was bright and promising.  We woke students up at 7 am just to see how they used their morning time.  Waitrons report at 7:45 and definitely needed to be ready first.  The rest?  Well, where the girls are concerned, they could probably sleep another 1/2 hour or so.  Good job getting ready!

We had our breakfast where we learned our class choices today:  Immense Journey (2 classes long), Dino-mite, Branch Out, Geo-caching, Orienteering.  The Immense Journey group are very fortunate  They will explore an adjacent property that now belongs to the State of Wisconsin.  Previously, it was the Rainbow Springs golf course, which was never fully developed and burned down several years ago.  They will be doing a lot of walking today but how exciting.  They are the only Cudahy group that will have the opportunity to see this interesting property and I am counting on Mr. Vandenberg to capture the experience through photos.

After breakfast it was off to field groups once again.  I had to stay back a bit to take care of some school business so I was left with the task of embarking on these 400 acres and finding some field groups.  I took some video along the way.

Some field group photos.  Enjoy the experience!


  1. Enjoy the beautiful weather today kids! Thank you Ms. Cesarz for putting this all together for the kids and your endless time and energy this week :)

  2. Enjoy the beautiful weather today kids! Thank you Ms. Cesarz for putting this all together for the kids and your endless time and energy this week :)
