Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Tuesday - Evening Activity

There are no photos or videos to share from our evening activity as it was the Night Hike.  All 56 students and 12 adults ventured out into the woods.  At the start (being only 7:30), it was easy to see.  The vast wildlife performed for us as we listened to the spring peepers, leopard frogs, the squeak of nearby bats (they are super small), and unusual songs of birds I did not recognize.  It is impressive how quickly your sense of sound becomes more sensitized as your sense of sight begins to struggle.  As the darkness began to envelope us, we learned about how the cones and rods of our eyes work, only allowing us to pick up grayscale (black and white) and how using our peripheral vision (turning our head to the side at times) allowed us to see the trail better.  We heard stories and did random experiments and truly lost any sense of discomfort as all light disappeared.

The black sky allowed us to see so many stars and constellations; Orion, Big Dipper, Scorpio, the Seven Sisters.  Without any light pollution from airports and city streets, they seem close enough to touch.  What a brilliant night sky for us!

Twice during this hike (once when there was some light and then again when there was no light), we embarked on a solo hike  This is where we each took a turn walking alone along a trail about 1/2 a block or so.  Doesn't sound too intimidating until you try it in the dark.  The students were champs and showed no hesitation (I can only speak for the group I was with) in trying on their own.

Once again we ended in the theater to share what we heard or saw, reflected on the experience, and enjoyed a freshly made chocolate chip cookies and glass of milk.

I know I have said it before but I am impressed with their sense of adventure and willingness to try new and challenging things.  Great job, Bulldogs!


  1. This sounds really exciting stars constellations quietness how wonderful.

  2. What a FANTASTIC experience :)

  3. What a FANTASTIC experience :)

  4. Sounds amazing, I might have been a little chicken on the solo walk :) I'm dying to hear all about it when the kids get home!!!
